Mughende Women Farmers Association (MUWOFA)

Mbambu Josophine

Mbambu Josophine is a single mother who would struggle too much before the Training. She would walk long distances to grow crops that would in most cases yield very low.

She would walk long journey to reach the place she would cultivate, she would hire the land to cultivate, this land would be hired expensively yet harvests were always very low. In addition, she says that she would almost work for the owner of the land.

However, after the training, she found relief and I made sure she hires some land near. We used her little savings with MUWOFA to hire the land.

She says she aims at working hard so that she can be able to purchase her own land so and build some house so that she can settle.

I personally help her to cultivate on her land. I really love her initiative.

As you can see, the vegetables are doing well. She is able to eat well, walk short distance and now has hopes of getting her personal land soon.

She wholeheartedly thank the MSV team for the good heart, kindness and support.


Weeding her cabbages


Weeding her tomatoes


Weeding her tomatoes